About MACU

Girl holding graduation cap

At MACU, we’re training students to Dream Bigger and Do Greater for the glory of God. 我们高质量的教育准备你走出去,并在你选择的职业生涯影响世界基督, whether you’ve been called to the ministry or the marketplace.

Here, you’ll gain the skills, 知识和圣经的价值观,你需要在生活的各个方面的成功-无论你来我们作为一个最近的高中毕业生, 转学生或第一次返回或开始上学的成年人.

Ready to get started? Contact us.

History of MACU


Statement of Faith

Christian just isn’t a word in our name — it’s part of who we are. Find out more about our beliefs.

President’s Message

Welcome to the website of Mid-America Christian University!

At MACU, we prepare people to do greater things for God and His Kingdom. 无论您是在线加入还是亲自加入,我们都希望您的体验与众不同.

我们深深致力于从圣经提供基督教高等教育, Christ-centered worldview. 我们杰出的教师将帮助你在你选择的领域脱颖而出,同时也鼓励你在你的精神生活中成长. We provide many opportunities for worship, fun, service, and fellowship. 你可以加入我们优秀的运动队或参加校园活动. 当你在澳门大学上课或攻读学位时,你就成为澳门大学大家庭的一员!

I hope you will take time to review our website, contact us directly, and let us roll out the red carpet of hospitality on-campus or virtually. 我们很乐意帮助你在中美基督教大学找到你的家!

In Christ,

Phil Greenwald
President, Mid-America Christian University

Mission Statement

十大靠谱网赌平台培养学生通过卫斯理的角度来创造, collaborate, 并通过创新解决本地和全球问题,通过耶稣基督荣耀上帝,造福社会.

Vision Statement


Vision Verse

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12)

University Motto

Dream Bigger. Do Greater.

University Seal

大学印章象征着大学的正式权威,在官方和仪式上使用. Click here to learn more about the meaning of the seal.

Evangel Jersey
Girl in yellow shirt, smiling while playing a campus game

University Accreditation

In the United States, 学院和大学自愿寻求非政府机构的认证. 该认证的目的是向公众保证机构的质量及其通过不断改进的体系对高标准的承诺.

Higher Learning Commission

十大靠谱网赌平台(MACU)通过高等教育委员会(HLC)认证. This accreditation is reviewed in-depth periodically by HLC; the last review was held in Feb 2014. On June 30, 2014, HLC和机构行动委员会(IAC)批准了十大靠谱网赌平台的持续认证,并在2023-2024年再次确认认证.


国家授权互惠协议是成员国和美国之间的自愿协议.S. 为州际提供高等教育远程教育课程和项目建立可比较的国家标准的地区. 它的目的是让学生更容易地参加另一个州的高等教育机构提供的在线课程. 十大靠谱网赌平台于10月22日获得了州董事会的批准, 2015 meeting.

Office of Educational Quality and Accountability (OEQA)

教师教育学院是由教育质量和责任办公室认可的. Working with the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, 俄克拉何马州高等教育委员会和教师教育项目的代表已经开发了一个示范性的系统,用于批准和认证教育准备机构和项目. This approach emphasizes performance-based criteria and assessments, focusing on what candidates can do in the classroom.

Additional Accreditations and Affiliations


The University is affiliated with a number of professional organizations, including: American Association of Higher Education American Association of Collegiate Registrar and Admissions Officers Council for Christian Colleges and Universities National Association of College and University Business Officers National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators Oklahoma Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Oklahoma Independent Colleges and Universities The University is approved by each of the following for participation in programs relevant to their administrations: United States Department of Justice. 移民和海关执法局隶属于国土安全部,根据《推荐十大靠谱网赌平台》为非移民外国学生提供教育. 俄克拉何马州认证机构根据1775条款教育推荐十大靠谱网赌平台和推荐十大靠谱网赌平台孤儿, Title 38, USC. 美国教育部参与国家直接贷款计划, Pell Grants, Guaranteed Student Loan Program, and College Work Study. Social Security Administration for benefits to qualified recipients. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

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